Wednesday, 23 November 2011



Type : apk
Size : 69 KB
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Android Apps Rapidshare
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Screenshot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A screen dump, screen capture (or screen-cap), screenshot (or screen shot), screengrab (or screen grab), or print screen is an image taken by the computer user to ...

How to Quickly Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows - wikiHow
How to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows. Taking a screenshot on a Windows PC is easy. Taking a screenshot (also called a screen grab, or print screen) can be ...

How to take a screenshot
How do I take a screenshot? press = Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the clipboard. Where can I find that key?

Capture a Screen Shot of your Desktop or the Active Window in Windows
... screenshot, and screen capture. Ilium Software Screen Capture Review - Take Screen Shots of Your Windows Mo... Beef Up the Print Screen Key With Gadwin ...

ScreenShot - CNET - Free software downloads and ...
Version: ScreenShot 1.1. Pros. no one, only basic function. Cons. but Trojan in it. Summary. I choose steelsoft screenshot. Reply to this review Read reply (1)

Screenshot Utility, a Screen Capture Program - Homepage
Screenshot Utility is a small, easy-to-use screen capture program that sits in the Windows system tray

GIMP - Screenshots
Everyone Loves Screenshots! GNU/Linux Screenshots. Microsoft Windows Screenshots. Mac OS X Screenshots

Screenshot - Computer Hope's free computer help
Once a screenshot has been captured it can be saved as an image file such as a GIF or JPEG, manipulated, ... There are several ways to capture a screenshot, ...

How to make a screenshot - Web Browser Scripting and Web Testing ...
A "screenshot" is a snapshot of what's on your computer's screen. To create a screenshot follow these steps: The first step is to create the windows that you want to ...

Taking Screenshots in Mac OS X - Mac Guides
Shortcuts. Command-Shift-3: Take a screenshot of the screen, and save it as a file on the desktop Command-Shift-4, then select an area: Take a screenshot of an area ...


Shortcuts. Command-Shift-3: Take a screenshot of the screen, and save it as a file on the desktop Command-Shift-4, then select an area: Take a screenshot of an area ...,A "screenshot" is a snapshot of what's on your computer's screen. To create a screenshot follow these steps: The first step is to create the windows that you want to ...,Once a screenshot has been captured it can be saved as an image file such as a GIF or JPEG, manipulated, ... There are several ways to capture a screenshot, ...,Everyone Loves Screenshots! GNU/Linux Screenshots. Microsoft Windows Screenshots. Mac OS X Screenshots,Screenshot Utility is a small, easy-to-use screen capture program that sits in the Windows system tray,Version: ScreenShot 1.1. Pros. no one, only basic function. Cons. but Trojan in it. Summary. I choose steelsoft screenshot. Reply to this review Read reply (1),... screenshot, and screen capture. Ilium Software Screen Capture Review - Take Screen Shots of Your Windows Mo... Beef Up the Print Screen Key With Gadwin ...,How do I take a screenshot? press = Windows captures the entire screen and copies it to the clipboard. Where can I find that key?,How to Take a Screenshot in Microsoft Windows. Taking a screenshot on a Windows PC is easy. Taking a screenshot (also called a screen grab, or print screen) can be ...,A screen dump, screen capture (or screen-cap), screenshot (or screen shot), screengrab (or screen grab), or print screen is an image taken by the computer user to ...

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